Open Terrain Generator Wiki

Note: This information is for OTG 1.16 and above. For 1.12.2, see WorldConfig.ini 1.12.

The worldconfig contains settings that affect the entire world/dimension and all biomes in it. Biome specific settings can be found in the BiomeConfigs.

WorldConfig.ini is located in the OpenTerrainGenerator/Presets/[preset name]/ folder and can be edited with a text editor. This file controls biome groupings, ocean and land sizes/rarities, river settings, cave and canyon distribution, vanilla structure spawning, sea level, dimension/portal settings and more.

Be sure to check out the WorldConfig and BiomeConfigs of the Default preset included with OTG (run Minecraft once with OTG installed), they contain the same settings and documentation you'll find here and provide a good example to get you started.

Config reading/writing[]

SettingsMode determines whether OTG writes documentation as comments to WorldConfig.ini and biome config (.bc) files, as well as automatically correcting any errors. Can also disable writing entirely, to only read config files.  
WriteAll Write config files with help comments May override settings. Always make a backup!
WriteWithoutComments Write config files without help comments but keeping the sections names May override settings. Always make a backup!
WriteDisable Doesn't write to the config files, it only reads. Doesn't auto-update the configs. Use with care!
Defaults to WriteAll

Note: In order to save filesize and loading times, it is recommended to use WriteWithoutComments to make configs smaller before shipping them to users.

World Identity[]

string Author of this world. Shown in-game when displaying OTG world information in the GUI or console
Defaults to empty
string A short description of this world. Shown in-game when displaying OTG world information in the GUI or console
Defaults to empty
int The preset major version. Increasing the minor version makes the PresetPacker overwrite, while increasing the major version will make the PresetPacker save a new copy
Defaults to 0
int The preset minor version. Increasing the minor version makes the PresetPacker overwrite, while increasing the major version will make the PresetPacker save a new copy
Defaults to 0
string The shortened name for the preset, used in biome resource locations and similar
Defaults to empty

Visual Settings[]

Controls the world's fog colors. Sky, grass and foliage colors are defined inside the biome configs.

color Color of the distance fog, can be overridden per biome
Defaults to #C0D8FF

Biome Modes[]

Normal Standard random generation with biome groups, uses all features
FromImage Biome layout defined by an image file
NoGroups Minecraft 1.0 - 1.6.4 biome generator, only supports the biome groups NormalBiomes and IceBiomes
Defaults to Normal

Settings for BiomeMode: Normal/NoGroups[]

int Defines the maximum number BiomeSize, RiverSize and LandSize can be set to. All size settings such as Biome Group Size, RiverSize, LandSize (in the WorldConfig.ini), and BiomeSize (in Biome Configs) must be between 0 (largest) and GenerationDepth (smallest). Increasing GenerationDepth by one will roughly double the size of all biomes, similarly decreasing it by 1 will half the size of all biomes. Small values (1-2) and Large values (20+) may affect generator performance. This setting is also used in BiomeMode:FromImage when ImageMode is set to ContinueNormal
Defaults to 10
int Max biome rarity from 1 to infinity. By default this is 100, but you can raise it for fine-grained control, or to create biomes with a chance of occurring smaller than 1/100
Defaults to 100
true Whether or not OTG should use the old group rarity
Defaults to false
true Whether OTG should do decoration for all biomes found in chunk. This could result in more resources being more common near chunk borders
Defaults to false

Template biomes[]

Template biomes can be used to include non-OTG biomes (modded or vanilla) in OTG presets.

OTG fetches all non-OTG biomes that match the specified category/tags and associates them with the BiomeConfig. The BiomeConfig must use TemplateForBiome:true, or it is ignored.

TemplateBiome(BiomeConfigName, BiomeRegistryName or Tags/Categories[, more BiomeRegistryName or Tags/Categories[, ...]], minTemperature, maxTemperature)
BiomeConfigName Name of a corresponding biome config. Case sensitive
BiomeRegistryName The registry name of a non-otg biome, for example "minecraft:plains"
Tags/Categories Instead of BiomeRegistryName, Forge Biome Dictionary id's and/or MC Biome Categories
MinTemperature & MaxTemperature Optional, only biomes within this temperature range are allowed
Defaults to none

Example: TemplateBiome(MCForest, category.forest tag.overworld)

Adds all forest biomes in the overworld. Biomes are never added twice.

- Use space as an AND operator, in the above example "category.forest tag.overworld" matches biomes with category forest AND tag overworld.

To target both minecraft and modded biomes, use "category." or "tag.".

To target only modded biomes, use "modcategory." or "modtag.".

To target only minecraft biomes, use "mccategory." or "mctag.".

To filter biomes for a specific mod, add "mod.<namespace>", for example "mod.byg category.plains tag.overworld".

To exclude specific biome registry names, tags, categories or mods, use "-", for example -tag.overworld to exclude overworld biomes.

MinTemperature/MaxTemperature are optional, only biomes within this temperature range are allowed.

Example: TemplateBiome(TagPlains, category.plains -tag.overworld) or TemplateBiome(TagPlains, category.plains -tag.overworld, -0.2, 0.2)

This targets a BiomeConfig named TagPlains.bc, and adds to it all non-OTG biomes that are of category "plains" but do not have biome dictionary tag "overworld", the second example includes a temperature range between -0.2 and 0.2.


Each biome can only be assigned to one biome config, so the order of TemplateBiome()s is important. Put your most specific TemplateBiome first, and the most generic last.

When using BiomeRegistryName to include or exclude a biome, it must have its own entry, for example: ",minecraft:forest,-minecraft:plains,"

Tip: Enable biome registry logging in OTG.ini to get a log of which biomes are mapped to which TemplateBiome().

Biome Groups[]

Biome groups group similar biomes together so that they spawn next to each other. Only standard biomes are required to be part of biome groups, isle, border and river biomes are configured separately.

BiomeGroup(GroupName, GroupSize, GroupRarity, BiomeName or Tags/Categories[, AnotherName[, ...]], minTemperature, maxTemperature)
GroupName Must be unique, choose something descriptive
Size From 0 to GenerationDepth. Lower number = larger. All biomes in the group must be smaller (higher BiomeSize number) or equal to this value
Rarity Relative spawn chance
BiomeName Name of a corresponding biome config. Case sensitive. Can also be a registry name (minecraft:plains), if there is a associated TemplateBiome(). If the biome config is a template biome, all associated non-otg biomes are added to the group.
Tags/Categories Instead of BiomeName, Forge Biome Dictionary id's and/or MC Biome Categories. OTG fetches all non-OTG biomes that match the specified category/tags and adds them to the biome group.

A TemplateBiome() that targets the biome must exist, or it is ignored.

Defaults to Varies per preset

Example from default preset:

BiomeGroup(NormalBiomes, 0, 98, Forest, Roofed Forest, Extreme Hills, Plains, Birch Forest, Swampland, Flower Forest, Roofed Forest M, Extreme Hills+, Sunflower Plains, Birch Forest M, Swampland M)

BiomeGroup(IceBiomes, 2, 40, Ice Plains, Cold Taiga, Ice Plains Spikes, Cold Taiga M)

BiomeGroup(HotBiomes, 1, 98, Desert, Savanna, Plains, Desert M, Savanna M, Sunflower Plains)

BiomeGroup(ColdBiomes, 0, 98, Forest, Extreme Hills, Taiga, Plains, Flower Forest, Extreme Hills+, Taiga M, Sunflower Plains)

BiomeGroup(MesaBiomes, 2, 40, Mesa)

BiomeGroup(JungleBiomes, 1, 40, Jungle, Jungle M)

BiomeGroup(Mega TaigaBiomes, 1, 40, Mega Taiga, Mega Spruce Taiga)

To include non-OTG biomes defined with TemplateBiome(), either add the TemplateBiome BiomeConfig name to add all non-OTG biomes associated to it, or use tags/categories to filter for specific non-OTG biomes, Each non-OTG biome must have a BiomeConfig assigned to it via TemplateBiome().

Examples using tags:

Example: BiomeGroup(NormalBiomes, 1, 100, category.plains tag.overworld, tag.dry)

Adds 2 entries; all plains biomes in the overworld, all hot+dry biomes. Biomes are never added twice.

- Use space as an AND operator, in the above example "category.plains tag.overworld" matches biomes with category plains AND tag overworld.

To target both minecraft and modded biomes, use "category." or "tag.".

To target only modded biomes, use "modcategory." or "modtag.".

To target only minecraft biomes, use "mccategory." or "mctag.".

To filter biomes for a specific mod, add "mod.<namespace>", for example "mod.byg category.plains tag.overworld".

To exclude specific biome registry names, tags, categories or mods, use "-", for example -tag.overworld to exclude overworld biomes.

MinTemperature/MaxTemperature - Optional, when using Tags/Categories, only biomes within this temperature range are used.

Example: BiomeGroup(NormalBiomes, 1, 100, category.plains tag.overworld, tag.dry, -1.0, 1.0)

Same example as before, but only includes biomes with temperature between -1.0 and 1.0.


When using BiomeRegistryName to include or exclude a biome, it must have its own entry, for example: ",minecraft:forest,-minecraft:plains,"

If using BiomeMode: Normal, there are no limitations on the number of biome groups you can have or their names.

If using BiomeMode: NoGroups, only two biome group names are valid, NormalBiomes and IceBiomes, other groups are ignored. Only the size and rarity of the group named IceBiomes will be used, the size and rarity of the NormalBiomes group is ignored.

Tip: Enable biome registry logging in OTG.ini to get a log of which biomes/biome configs are mapped to which BiomeGroup().

List of biome registry names When using biome dictionary tags and/or biome categories with biome groups, these (non-OTG) biomes are excluded. Example: minecraft:plains
Defaults to empty

Isle & Border Biomes[]

Not all biomes spawn as part of a group. Some biomes spawn as isles in other biomes, or as borders on other biomes.

Isle biomes are biomes which spawn inside another biome (e.g. an island in an ocean)
List of biome config names As well as listing every isle biome here, you must set IsleInBiome in each biome config too. Biome name is case sensitive. Inside the biome config of each isle biome you can decide in which biome this isle should spawn, as well as rarity and size.
Defaults to Varies per preset
Border biomes are biomes used as borders of other biomes
List of biome config names As well as listing every border biome here, you must set BiomeIsBorder in each biome config too. Biome name is case sensitive. Inside the biome config of each isle biome you can decide in which biome this border should spawn, as well as rarity and size.
Defaults to Varies per preset

Landmass Settings[]

int Land rarity from 100 to 1. Higher numbers result in more land.
Defaults to 99
int Land size from 0 to GenerationDepth. Higher LandSize numbers will make the size of the land smaller. Landsize number should always be lower than any biome groups.
Defaults to 0
true If enabled, land will always spawn at or near 0,0
Defaults to true
int Ocean biome size 0 to GenerationDepth. Higher OceanBiomeSize numbers will make the size of the ocean biomes smaller
Defaults to 0
int Generates more lakes (via small ocean biomes) at the edges of continents. As a side effect, the continent will also get a bit larger. Must be from 0 to GenerationDepth minus LandSize
Defaults to 5
biome config name Set the default Ocean biome for this world
Defaults to Ocean
biome config name Set the default Warm Ocean biome for this world
Defaults to Warm Ocean
biome config name Set the default Lukewarm Ocean biome for this world
Defaults to Lukewarm Ocean
biome config name Set the default Cold Ocean biome for this world
Defaults to Cold Ocean
biome config name The default Frozen Ocean biome for this world
Defaults to Frozen Ocean

Ice Area Settings[]

true Can be true or false, makes the water of the oceans near a cold biome frozen. The definition of 'cold' is controlled by the next setting. Set this to false to stop the ocean from freezing near when an "ice area" intersects with an ocean.
Defaults to true
float This is the maximum biome temperature when a biome is still considered cold. Water in oceans nearby cold biomes freezes if FrozenOcean is set to true. Temperature reference from vanilla Minecraft: < 0.15 for snow, 0.15 - 0.95 for rain, or > 1.0 for dry.
Defaults to 0.15


true Set this to false to prevent the river generator from doing anything
Defaults to DefaultValue
true When this setting is false, rivers follow the biome borders most of the time. Set this setting to true to disable this behavior
Defaults to true
int Controls the rarity of rivers. Must be from 0 to GenerationDepth. A higher number means more rivers. To define which rivers flow through which biomes see the individual biome configs
Defaults to 4
int Controls the size of rivers. Can range from 0 to GenerationDepth minus RiverRarity. Making this larger will make the rivers larger, without affecting how often rivers will spawn
Defaults to 1

Settings For BiomeMode:FromImage[]

In each of the BiomeConfigs there is a BiomeColor variable, this variable is the hexadecimal color of the biome. These colors are used to define the biome layout in the input image (as well as the colour of the biome when using the /otg map command). Two biomes must not have the same color. The settings in this section are for FromImage mode only.

Defines what to do when terrain is generated outside the boundaries of the image. Note that when using ContinueNormal, any holes in the map (pixels with colours that don't correspond to a biome) will use the underlying normal terrain generation. This can give interesting effects, but should be used with care and it recommended to surround any such holes with a border biome to ensure a smoother transition. This is also unpredictable, and each hole will have different biomes depending on the seed.
Repeat Repeats the image
Mirror Repeats and mirrors the image
ContinueNormal Continues with random generation, using settings for BiomeMode: Normal
FillEmpty Fills the space with one biome (defined below)
Defaults to Mirror

The Image File[]

The image which will provide the Biomes must be a PNG file without transparency, once placed in the same folder as WorldConfig.ini OTG will use it as a reference for the Biomes generation. Usually the map spawn location is considered to be the center of the image (but you can change this behaviour with the ImageXOffset/ImageYOffset settings.

The map must be drawn with a pixel perfect brush (means without AntiAliasing) often called as the Pencil tool in many image editors. Each color (expressed as an hexadecimal value) represent a Biome where the Biome<->Color association is made in each biome configuration file Biome.cfg, a map can be as simple as few colors or articulated and complex as the one shown below.

From a biome.cfg configurartion file you can set the color associated with the map with the following option:
# The hexadecimal color value of this biome. Used in the output of the /otg map command,
# and used in the input of BiomeMode: FromImage.
BiomeColor: #D76969

When drawing your map keep in mind the size you want your map to be and that each pixel is mapped as a surface of 4x4 blocks. Based on your OTG settings the transition from biome to biome can be more or less smooth. You can also set what biome should spawn in the unlikely case you forgot to draw an area or used a color not associated to any biome.


Closeup of the Map file


Example Biome map courtesy of the Dregora OTG presets (MIT).

The image which will provide the Biomes must be a PNG file without transparency, once placed in the same folder as WorldConfig.ini OTG will use it as a reference for the Biomes generation.
File name Source png file name for FromImage biome mode
Defaults to empty
string How the image is oriented: North, South, East or West. When this is set to North, the top of your picture is north (no rotation). When it is set to East, the image is rotated 90 degrees counter-clockwise, therefore what is on the east in the image becomes north in the world. Possible values: North, East, South, West
Defaults to West
biome config name Biome name for filling outside image boundaries with FillEmpty mode
Defaults to Ocean
int Translates the map origin. This number needs to be multiplied by -1 when using FillEmpty
Defaults to 0
int Translates the map origin. This number needs to be multiplied by -1 when using FillEmpty
Defaults to 0

Terrain Height and Volatility[]

The settings in this section control terrain settings that are not specific to any biome.

int The height scale of the world. Increasing this by one doubles the terrain height of the world, substracting one halves the terrain height. Values must be between 5 and 8, inclusive
Defaults to 7
int The height cap of the world. A cap of 7 will make sure that there is no terrain above 128 (y=2^7). Near this cap less and less terrain generates with no terrain above this cap. Values must be between 5 and 8 (inclusive) and may not be lower that WorldHeightScaleBits.
Defaults to 8
float Can increase (values greater than 0) or decrease (values less than 0) how much the landscape is fractured horizontally. Values less than 0 will 'relax' the terrain, leading to more gradual and smoother height transitions
Defaults to 0.0
float Can increase (values greater than 0) or decrease (values less than 0) how much the landscape is fractured vertically. Values above 0 will lead to large cliffs/overhangs, floating islands, and/or a cavern world depending on other settings. Values less than 0 will make terrain volatility more 'spiky' but lessen the likelihood of overhangs and floating terrain
Defaults to 0.0


true Set this to true to place the biome surface block on top of all exposed stone
Defaults to false


block name Block used as bedrock
Defaults to minecraft:bedrock
true Disable bottom of map bedrock generation. Doesn't affect bedrock on the ceiling of the map
Defaults to false
true Enable ceiling of map bedrock generation
Defaults to false
true Make a single flat layer of bedrock
Defaults to false

Water / Lava / Frozen States[]

int Set water level. Every empty block under this level will be fill water or another block from WaterBlock
Defaults to 63
int Set water level. Every empty block at or above this level will be fill water or another block from WaterBlock
Defaults to 0
block name Block used as water in WaterLevel
Defaults to minecraft:water
block name Block used as ice
Defaults to minecraft:ice
block name Block used as cooled or frozen lava. Set this to OBSIDIAN for "frozen" lava lakes in cold biomes
Defaults to minecraft:lava
true When set to false, 1 layer of snow falls on the highest block only. When set to true, the number of layers (1-8) is dependent on biome temperature. Higher altitudes have lower temperatures, so snow becomes deeper higher up. Also causes snow to fall through leaves, leaves can carry 3 layers while the rest falls through.
Defaults to false


true Disables Ore(), UnderWaterOre() and Vein() biome resources that use any type of ore block
Defaults to false


The settings are global on/off toggles for the entire world for each vanilla structure type. When set to true, structures configured in biome configs are able to spawn. Check the biome configs for customisation options per structure type (size/rarity etc).

Defaults to true
Defaults to true
Defaults to true
Defaults to true
Defaults to true
Defaults to false
Defaults to false
Defaults to true
Defaults to true
Defaults to true
Defaults to true
Defaults to false
Defaults to false
Defaults to true
Defaults to true

OTG Custom structures and objects (BO2/BO3/BO4)[]

Sets the type of structures the world should spawn, BO3 or BO4. Worlds currently can only use one type of structure.
BO3 BO3's are simple, seed based CustomStructures, similar to vanilla villages
BO4 BO4's allow for collision detection, fine control over structure distribution, advanced branching mechanics for procedurally generated structures, smoothing areas, extremely large structures, settings for blending structures with surrounding terrain, etc.
Defaults to BO3
BO3 name This BO3 will be spawned at the world's spawn point as a CustomObject (Max size 32x32)
Defaults to empty

BO3 Custom structures[]

true For 1.12.2 v9.0_r11 and earlier, BO3 customstructures used 2 rarity rolls, one for the rarity in the CustomStructure() tag, one for the rarity in the BO3 itself. For 1.16, we use only the rarity roll from the CustomStructure() tag. Set this to true to use the old system
Defaults to true
int Affects the CustomStructure resource (see biome configuration files) maximum radius of custom structures in chunks. The more chunks are searched, the larger a structure can be, but the slower structure generation becomes. The radius is of a square, so a radius of 5 allows custom structures to be up to 10x10 chunks. Custom structures are spawned by the CustomStructure resource in the biome configuration files. Setting your MaximumCustomStructureRadius to ahigh number will decrease performance even when there are no customstructure entries in your biome configs.

Not used for BO4's.

Defaults to 1
true Set this to false to disable the bounds check during chunk decoration. While this allows you to spawn objects larger than 32x32, it also makes terrain generation dependent on the direction you explored the world in. Objects larger than 32x32 may be cut off in some situations, performance may degrade when spawning large objects.
Defaults to true

Carvers: Caves and Ravines[]

block name Block that replaces all air blocks from Y0 up to CarverLavaBlockHeight. For example, vanilla replaces air in caves with lava up to Y10
Defaults to minecraft:lava
int All air blocks are replaced to CarverLavaBlock from Y0 up to CarverLavaBlockHeight. For example, vanilla replaces air in caves with lava up to Y10
Defaults to 10


true Enables/disables OTG caves. OTG should automatically disable caves/carvers for biomes when modded carvers are detected
Defaults to true
int This controls the odds that a given chunk will host a single cave and/or the start of a cave system
Defaults to 7
int The number of times the cave generation algorithm will attempt to create single caves and cave systems in the given chunk. This value is larger because the likelihood for the cave generation algorithm to bailout is fairly high and it is used in a randomizer that trends towards lower random numbers. With an input of 40 (default) the randomizer will result in an average random result of 5 to 6. This can be turned off by setting evenCaveDistribution (below) to true
Defaults to 40
int Sets the minimum altitude at which caves will be generated. These values are used in a randomizer that trends towards lower numbers so that caves become more frequent the closer you get to the bottom of the map. Setting even cave distribution (above) to true will turn off this randomizer and use a flat random number generator that will create an even density of caves at all altitudes
Defaults to 8
int Sets the maximum altitude at which caves will be generated. These values are used in a randomizer that trends towards lower numbers so that caves become more frequent the closer you get to the bottom of the map. Setting even cave distribution (above) to true will turn off this randomizer and use a flat random number generator that will create an even density of caves at all altitudes
Defaults to 127
int The odds that the cave generation algorithm will generate a single cavern without an accompanying cave system. Note that whenever the algorithm generates an individual cave it will also attempt to generate a pocket of cave systems in the vicinity (no guarantee of connection or that the cave system will actually be created)
Defaults to 25
int The number of times the algorithm will attempt to start a cave system in a given chunk per cycle of the cave generation algorithm (see cave frequency setting above). Note that setting this value too high with an accompanying high cave frequency value can cause extremely long world generation time
Defaults to 1
int This can be set to create an additional chance that a cave system pocket (a higher than normal density of cave systems) being started in a given chunk. Normally, a cave pocket will only be attempted if an individual cave is generated, but this will allow more cave pockets to be generated in addition to the individual cave trigger
Defaults to 0
int The minimum size that a cave system pocket can be. This modifies/overrides the cave system frequency setting (above) when triggered
Defaults to 0
int The maximum size that a cave system pocket can be. This modifies/overrides the cave system frequency setting (above) when triggered
Defaults to 3
true Setting this to true will turn off the randomizer for cave frequency (above). Do note that if you turn this on you will probably want to adjust the cave frequency down to avoid long load times at world creation
Defaults to false


true Enables/disables OTG ravines. OTG should automatically disable ravines/carvers for biomes when modded carvers are detected
Defaults to true
Defaults to 2
Defaults to 20
Defaults to 67
Defaults to 84
Defaults to 111
Defaults to 3.0

Spawn point settings[]

true Set this to true to enable SpawnPointX/SpawnPointY/SpawnPointZ/SpawnPointAngle
Defaults to false
int When FixedSpawnPoint: true, this sets the world's spawn point
Defaults to 0
int When FixedSpawnPoint: true, this sets the world's spawn point
Defaults to 0
int When FixedSpawnPoint: true, this sets the world's spawn point
Defaults to 0
float When FixedSpawnPoint: true, this sets the angle the player is looking when spawned at the spawn point
Defaults to 0.0

Portal settings (Forge)[]

List of blocks A list of one or more portal blocks used to build a portal to this dimension, or back to the overworld. Only applies for dimensions, not overworld/nether/end
Defaults to minecraft:quartz_block




















The portal color used for this world's portals, only applies for dimensions, not overworld/nether/end.
Defaults to default
mob name The mob that spawns from this portal, minecraft:zombified_piglin by default. Only applies for dimensions, not overworld/nether/end
Defaults to minecraft:zombified_piglin
block name The ignition source for this portal, minecraft:flint_and_steel by default. Only applies for dimensions, not overworld/nether/end
Defaults to minecraft:flint_and_steel

Dimension settings (Forge)[]

Note: At world creation, these settings are written to the world save's datapack folder (\saves\WorldName\datapacks\otg\ as dimension_type json file. The json file is used by MC on world load to fetch the settings. If you want to change dimension settings for already created worlds make sure to edit the dimension_type json file, since changes to the WorldConfig dimension settings won't be picked up on world load, only on world creation.

int The time this dimension is fixed at, from 0 to 24000. -1 by default, meaning disabled, so time passes normally. Vanilla Nether uses 18000, End uses 6000.
Defaults to -1
true Whether this dimension uses a skylight, defaults to true. Vanilla nether and end use false, nether combines this with AmbientLight:0.1
Defaults to true
true Whether this dimension has a ceiling, affects mob spawning, weather (thunder), maps. Defaults to false, vanilla nether uses true
Defaults to false
true Whether water evaporates in this dimension. Also appears to affect lava/lava flow. Defaults to false. Vanilla nether uses true
Defaults to false
true When set to false, mobs do not spawn from portals and players cannot use beds in this dimension
Defaults to true
float The amount of blocks traveled compared to other dimensions. 1 by default, same as vanilla overworld, nether uses 8
Defaults to 1.0
true Probably starts a dragon fight, we think. Try it, what could possibly go wrong?
Defaults to false
true Whether this dimension can spawn piglins, false by default
Defaults to false
true Whether beds can be used to sleep and skip time in this dimension, true by default
Defaults to true
true Whether RespawnAnchorBlocks can be used, false by default
Defaults to true
true Whether the dimension has raids, true by default
Defaults to true
int World height, 256 by default. Affects portals and chorus fruits
Defaults to 256



Infiniburn block tag registry key, minecraft:infiniburn_overworld by default. Can be either overworld/nether/end (or potentially modded)
Defaults to minecraft:infiniburn_overworld

minecraft:the_nether minecraft:the_end

Effects registry key, minecraft:overworld by default. Can be either overworld/nether/end (or potentially modded)
Defaults to minecraft:overworld
float The base ambient light level for the world, 0.0 for overworld/end, 0.1 for nether
Defaults to 0.0

Game rules (Forge)[]


true Since game rules are shared across all dimensions, these settings only apply if this preset is used as the overworld. These settings can be overridden via a DimensionConfig with a GameRules entry. Set this to true to enable the settings below.
Defaults to false
Defaults to true
Defaults to true
Defaults to false
Defaults to true
Defaults to true
Defaults to true
Defaults to true
Defaults to true
Defaults to true
Defaults to true
Defaults to true
Defaults to true
Defaults to 3
Defaults to true
Defaults to true
Defaults to 10
Defaults to false
Defaults to 24
Defaults to true
Defaults to false
Defaults to 65536
Defaults to true
Defaults to false
Defaults to true
Defaults to true
Defaults to true
Defaults to true
Defaults to true
Defaults to true
Defaults to true
Defaults to false

Default WorldConfig.ini

# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# |                           WorldConfig                           | #
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #

# Contains settings which affect the entire world, biome specific settings can be found in the Biome Configs.
# This file controls biome groupings, ocean and land sizes/rarities, river settings, cave and canyon distribution,
# vanilla minecraft structure spawning, sea level, dimension/portal settings and more.

# |                          Config Writing                         | #

# Each time OpenTerrainGenerator reads the config files it can also write to them. With this setting you can change how this behaves. Possible modes:
# 	WriteAll - Auto-update settings from old versions, order them, add comments, reset invalid settings and remove custom comments. (Recommended)
# 	WriteWithoutComments - Same as WriteAll, but removes all comments, both the ones added by OTG and custom ones. Removing comments is a recommended optimization for release versions of presets.
# 	WriteDisable - Doesn't write to the config files. Errors are not corrected, old settings are read but are not corrected. Custom comments won't be removed with this mode.
SettingsMode: WriteAll

# |                          World Identity                         | #

# The author of this preset
Author: MC_Pitman

# A short description of this world
Description: The OTG default preset, which closely resembles the vanilla worldgen

# The preset major version. Increasing the minor version makes the PresetPacker overwrite,
# while increasing the major version will make the PresetPacker save a new copy
MajorVersion: 0

# The preset minor version. Increasing the minor version makes the PresetPacker overwrite,
# while increasing the major version will make the PresetPacker save a new copy
MinorVersion: 0

# The shortened name for the preset, used in biome resource locations and similar

# |                         Visual Settings                         | #

# Controls the world's fog colors. Sky, grass and foliage colors are defined inside the biome configs.
# Color of the distance fog, can be overridden per biome.
WorldFog: #C0D8FF

# |                           Biome Modes                           | #

# Possible biome modes:
# 	Normal - standard random generation with biome groups, uses all features.
# 	FromImage - biome layout defined by an image file.
# 	NoGroups - Minecraft 1.0 - 1.6.4 biome generator, only supports the biome groups NormalBiomes and IceBiomes.
BiomeMode: Normal

# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# |             Settings for BiomeMode: Normal/NoGroups             | #
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #

# Defines the maximum number BiomeSize, RiverSize and LandSize can be set to.
# All size settings such as Biome Group Size, RiverSize, LandSize (in the WorldConfig.ini), and BiomeSize (in Biome Configs) must be between 0 (largest) and GenerationDepth (smallest).
# Increasing GenerationDepth by one will roughly double the size of all biomes, similarly decreasing it by 1 will half the size of all biomes.
# Small values (1-2) and Large values (20+) may affect generator performance.
# This setting is also used in BiomeMode:FromImage when ImageMode is set to ContinueNormal
GenerationDepth: 10

# Max biome rarity from 1 to infinity. By default this is 100, but you can raise it for fine-grained control, or to create biomes with a chance of occurring smaller than 1/100.
BiomeRarityScale: 100

# Whether or not OTG should use the old group rarity
OldGroupRarity: false

# Whether or not OTG should use the old land rarity. Disabling this will make LandRarity work as a percentage
OldLandRarity: false

# Whether OTG should do decoration for all biomes found in chunk. This could result in more resources being more common near chunk borders.
ImprovedBorderDecoration: false

# |                         Template biomes                         | #

# Template biomes can be used to include non-OTG biomes (modded or vanilla) in OTG presets.

# Syntax: TemplateBiome(BiomeConfigName, BiomeRegistryName or Tags/Categories[, more BiomeRegistryName or Tags/Categories[, ...]], minTemperature, maxTemperature)
# BiomeConfigName - Name of a corresponding biome config. Case sensitive.
# BiomeRegistryName - The registry name of a non-otg biome, for example "minecraft:plains".
# Tags/Categories - Instead of BiomeRegistryName, Forge Biome Dictionary id's and/or MC Biome Categories.
# OTG fetches all non-OTG biomes that match the specified category/tags and associates them with the BiomeConfig.
# The BiomeConfig must use TemplateForBiome:true, or it is ignored.
# Example: TemplateBiome(MCForest, category.forest tag.overworld)
# Adds all forest biomes in the overworld. Biomes are never added twice.
# - Use space as an AND operator, in the above example "category.forest tag.overworld" matches biomes with category forest AND tag overworld.
# To target both minecraft and modded biomes, use "category." or "tag.".
# To target only modded biomes, use "modcategory." or "modtag.".
# To target only minecraft biomes, use "mccategory." or "mctag.".
# To filter biomes for a specific mod, add "mod.<namespace>", for example "mod.byg category.plains tag.overworld".
# To exclude specific biome registry names, tags, categories or mods, use "-", for example -tag.overworld to exclude overworld biomes.
# MinTemperature/MaxTemperature - Optional, only biomes within this temperature range are allowed.
# Example: TemplateBiome(TagPlains, category.plains -tag.overworld) or TemplateBiome(TagPlains, category.plains -tag.overworld, -0.2, 0.2)
# This targets a BiomeConfig named TagPlains.bc, and adds to it all non-OTG biomes that are of category "plains" but do not have biome dictionary tag "overworld",
# the second example includes a temperature range between -0.2 and 0.2.
# Note:
# Each biome can only be assigned to one biome config, so the order of TemplateBiome()s is important. Put your most specific TemplateBiome first, and the most generic last.
# When using BiomeRegistryName to include or exclude a biome, it must have its own entry, for example: ",minecraft:forest,-minecraft:plains,"
TemplateBiome(tagJungle, modtag.jungle modtag.overworld -category.nether -category.the_end -modtag.nether -modtag.end, 0.8, 1.0)
TemplateBiome(tagWater, modtag.water modtag.overworld -category.nether -category.the_end -modtag.nether -modtag.end, 0.2, 2.0)
TemplateBiome(tagWaterSnowy, modtag.water modtag.overworld -category.nether -category.the_end -modtag.nether -modtag.end, -1.0, 0.2)
TemplateBiome(tagMountain, modtag.mountain modtag.overworld -category.nether -category.the_end -modtag.nether -modtag.end, 0.2, 2.0)
TemplateBiome(tagMountainSnowy, modtag.mountain modtag.overworld -category.nether -category.the_end -modtag.nether -modtag.end, -1.0, 0.2)
TemplateBiome(tagHills, modtag.hills modtag.overworld -category.nether -category.the_end -modtag.nether -modtag.end, 0.2, 2.0)
TemplateBiome(tagHillsSnowy, modtag.hills modtag.overworld -category.nether -category.the_end -modtag.nether -modtag.end, -1.0, 0.2)
TemplateBiome(tagPlains, modtag.plains modtag.overworld -category.nether -category.the_end -modtag.nether -modtag.end, 0.2, 2.0)
TemplateBiome(tagPlainsSnowy, modtag.plains modtag.overworld -category.nether -category.the_end -modtag.nether -modtag.end, -1.0, 0.2)
TemplateBiome(tagForest, modtag.forest modtag.overworld -category.nether -category.the_end -modtag.nether -modtag.end, 0.2, 2.0)
TemplateBiome(tagForestSnowy, modtag.forest modtag.overworld -category.nether -category.the_end -modtag.nether -modtag.end, -1.0, 0.2)
TemplateBiome(tagLush, modtag.lush modtag.overworld -category.nether -category.the_end -modtag.nether -modtag.end, 0.2, 2.0)
TemplateBiome(tagLushSnowy, modtag.lush modtag.overworld -category.nether -category.the_end -modtag.nether -modtag.end, -1.0, 0.2)
TemplateBiome(tagSandy, modtag.sandy modtag.overworld -category.nether -category.the_end -modtag.nether -modtag.end, 0.2, 2.0)
TemplateBiome(tagSandySnowy, modtag.sandy modtag.overworld -category.nether -category.the_end -modtag.nether -modtag.end, -1.0, 0.2)

# |                           Biome Groups                          | #

# Biome groups group similar biomes together so that they spawn next to each other.
# Only standard biomes are required to be part of biome groups, isle, border and river biomes are configured separately.

# Syntax: BiomeGroup(GroupName, GroupSize, GroupRarity, BiomeName or Tags/Categories[, AnotherName[, ...]], minTemperature, maxTemperature)
# GroupName - must be unique, choose something descriptive.
# Size - from 0 to GenerationDepth. Lower number = larger. All biomes in the group must be smaller (higher BiomeSize number) or equal to this value.
# Rarity - relative spawn chance.
# BiomeName - Name of a corresponding biome config. Case sensitive. Can also be a registry name (minecraft:plains), if there is a associated TemplateBiome().
# If the biome config is a template biome, all associated non-otg biomes are added to the group.
# Tags/Categories - Instead of BiomeName, Forge Biome Dictionary id's and/or MC Biome Categories. 
# OTG fetches all non-OTG biomes that match the specified category/tags and adds them to the biome group.
# A TemplateBiome() that targets the biome must exist, or it is ignored.
# Example: BiomeGroup(NormalBiomes, 1, 100, category.plains tag.overworld, tag.dry)
# Adds 2 entries; all plains biomes in the overworld, all hot+dry biomes. Biomes are never added twice.
# - Use space as an AND operator, in the above example "category.plains tag.overworld" matches biomes with category plains AND tag overworld.
# To target both minecraft and modded biomes, use "category." or "tag.".
# To target only modded biomes, use "modcategory." or "modtag.".
# To target only minecraft biomes, use "mccategory." or "mctag.".
# To filter biomes for a specific mod, add "mod.<namespace>", for example "mod.byg category.plains tag.overworld".
# To exclude specific biome registry names, tags, categories or mods, use "-", for example -tag.overworld to exclude overworld biomes.
# MinTemperature/MaxTemperature - Optional, when using Tags/Categories, only biomes within this temperature range are used.
# Example: BiomeGroup(NormalBiomes, 1, 100, category.plains tag.overworld, tag.dry, -1.0, 1.0)
# Same example as before, but only includes biomes with temperature between -1.0 and 1.0.
# Note:
# When using BiomeRegistryName to include or exclude a biome, it must have its own entry, for example: ",minecraft:forest,-minecraft:plains,"
# If using BiomeMode: Normal, there are no limitations on the number of biome groups you can have or their names.
# If using BiomeMode: NoGroups, only two biome group names are valid, NormalBiomes and IceBiomes, other groups are ignored. Only the size and rarity of the group named IceBiomes will be used, the size and rarity of the NormalBiomes group is ignored.
BiomeGroup(NormalBiomes, 0, 98, tagWater, tagMountain, tagHills, tagPlains, tagForest, tagLush, tagSandy, Forest, Dark Forest, Mountains, Plains, Birch Forest, Swamp, Flower Forest, Dark Forest Hills, Gravelly Mountains, Sunflower Plains, Tall Birch Forest, Swamp Hills, 0.5, 0.8)
BiomeGroup(IceBiomes, 2, 40, tagWaterSnowy, tagMountainSnowy, tagHillsSnowy, tagPlainsSnowy, tagForestSnowy, tagLushSnowy, tagSandySnowy, Snowy Tundra, Snowy Mountains, Ice Spikes, Snowy Taiga, Snowy Taiga Mountains)
BiomeGroup(HotBiomes, 1, 98, tagWater, tagMountain, tagHills, tagPlains, tagForest, tagLush, tagSandy, Desert, Desert Hills, Savanna, Shattered Savanna, Plains, Sunflower Plains, 1.0, 2.0)
BiomeGroup(ColdBiomes, 0, 98, tagWater, tagMountain, tagHills, tagPlains, tagForest, tagLush, tagSandy, Forest, Mountains, Taiga, Plains, Flower Forest, Gravelly Mountains, Taiga Mountains, Sunflower Plains, 0.2, 0.5)
BiomeGroup(MesaBiomes, 3, 40, Badlands)
BiomeGroup(JungleBiomes, 1, 40, tagJungle, Jungle, Modified Jungle, Bamboo Jungle)
BiomeGroup(Mega TaigaBiomes, 1, 40, Giant Tree Taiga, Giant Spruce Taiga)
# When using biome dictionary tags and/or biome categories with biome groups, these (non-OTG) biomes are excluded. Example: minecraft:plains.
BlacklistedBiomes: biomesoplenty:tropic_beach, byg:canyon_edge, byg:red_desert_dunes

# |                       Isle & Border Biomes                      | #

# Isle biomes are biomes which spawn inside another biome (e.g. an island in an ocean). As well as listing every isle biome here, you must set IsleInBiome in each biome config too. Biome name is case sensitive.
IsleBiomes: Deep Ocean, Mushroom Fields, Snowy Mountains, Desert Hills, Wooded Hills, Forest, Taiga Hills, Jungle Hills, Cold Taiga Hills, Wooded Mountains, Badlands Plateau, Eroded Badlands, Modified Badlands Plateau, Modified Wooded Badlands Plateau, Wooded Badlands Plateau, Giant Tree Taiga Hills, Giant Spruce Taiga Hills, Bamboo Jungle Hills

# Biomes used as borders of other biomes. As well as listing every border biome here, you must set BiomeIsBorder in each biome config too. Biome name is case sensitive.
BorderBiomes: Jungle Edge, Modified Jungle Edge, Mushroom Fields Shore, Beach, Snowy Beach, Stone Shore, Desert, Taiga

# |                        Landmass Settings                        | #

# Land rarity from 100 to 1. Higher numbers result in more land.
LandRarity: 99

# Land size from 0 to GenerationDepth. Higher LandSize numbers will make the size of the land smaller. Landsize number should always be lower than any biome groups.
LandSize: 0

# If enabled, land will always spawn at or near 0,0
ForceLandAtSpawn: true

# Ocean biome size 0 to GenerationDepth. Higher OceanBiomeSize numbers will make the size of the ocean biomes smaller.
OceanBiomeSize: 0

# Generates more lakes (via small ocean biomes) at the edges of continents. As a side effect, the continent will also get a bit larger. Must be from 0 to GenerationDepth minus LandSize.
LandFuzzy: 5

# Set the default Ocean biome for this world.
DefaultOceanBiome: Ocean

# Set the default Warm Ocean biome for this world.
DefaultWarmOceanBiome: Warm Ocean

# Set the default Lukewarm Ocean biome for this world.
DefaultLukewarmOceanBiome: Lukewarm Ocean

# Set the default Cold Ocean biome for this world.
DefaultColdOceanBiome: Cold Ocean

# The default Frozen Ocean biome for this world.
DefaultFrozenOceanBiome: Frozen Ocean

# |                        Ice Area Settings                        | #

# Can be true or false, makes the water of the oceans near a cold biome frozen. The definition of 'cold' is controlled by the next setting.
# Set this to false to stop the ocean from freezing near when an "ice area" intersects with an ocean.
FrozenOcean: true

# This is the maximum biome temperature when a biome is still considered cold. Water in oceans nearby cold biomes freezes if FrozenOcean is set to true.
# Temperature reference from vanilla Minecraft: < 0.15 for snow, 0.15 - 0.95 for rain, or > 1.0 for dry.
OceanFreezingTemperature: 0.15

# |                              Rivers                             | #

# Set this to false to prevent the river generator from doing anything.
RiversEnabled: true

# When this setting is false, rivers follow the biome borders most of the time. Set this setting to true to disable this behavior.
RandomRivers: true

# Controls the rarity of rivers. Must be from 0 to GenerationDepth. A higher number means more rivers. To define which rivers flow through which biomes see the individual biome configs.
RiverRarity: 4

# Controls the size of rivers. Can range from 0 to GenerationDepth minus RiverRarity. Making this larger will make the rivers larger, without affecting how often rivers will spawn.
RiverSize: 1

# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# |                 Settings For BiomeMode:FromImage                | #
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #

# In each of the BiomeConfigs there is a BiomeColor variable, this variable is the hexadecimal color of the biome.
# These colors are used to define the biome layout in the input image (as well as the colour of the biome when using the /otg map command). Two biomes must not have the same color.
# The settings in this section are for FromImage mode only.
# Defines what to do when terrain is generated outside the boundaries of the image:
# 	Repeat - repeats the image
# 	Mirror - repeats and mirrors the image
# 	ContinueNormal - continues with random generation, using settings for BiomeMode: Normal
# 	FillEmpty - fills the space with one biome (defined below)
ImageMode: Mirror

# The image which will provide the Biomes must be a PNG file without transparency, once placed in the same folder as WorldConfig.ini OTG will use it as a reference for the Biomes generation.
# Source png file name for FromImage biome mode.
ImageFile: map.png

# How the image is oriented: North, South, East or West. When this is set to North, the top of your picture is north (no rotation).
# When it is set to East, the image is rotated 90 degrees counter-clockwise, therefore what is on the east in the image becomes north in the world.
# Possible values: North, East, South, West.
ImageOrientation: West

# Biome name for filling outside image boundaries with FillEmpty mode.
ImageFillBiome: Ocean

# Translates the map origin. This number needs to be multiplied by -1 when using FillEmpty.
ImageXOffset: 0

# Translates the map origin. This number needs to be multiplied by -1 when using FillEmpty.
ImageZOffset: 0

# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# |                  Terrain Height and Volatility                  | #
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #

# The settings in this section control terrain settings that are not specific to any biome.
# The height scale of the world. Increasing this by one doubles the terrain height of the world, substracting one halves the terrain height. Values must be between 5 and 8, inclusive.
WorldHeightScaleBits: 7

# The height cap of the world. A cap of 7 will make sure that there is no terrain above 128 (y=2^7). Near this cap less and less terrain generates with no terrain above this cap.
# Values must be between 5 and 8 (inclusive), and may not be lower that WorldHeightScaleBits.
WorldHeightCapBits: 8

# Can increase (values greater than 0) or decrease (values less than 0) how much the landscape is fractured horizontally.
# Values less than 0 will 'relax' the terrain, leading to more gradual and smoother height transitions.
FractureHorizontal: 0.0

# Can increase (values greater than 0) or decrease (values less than 0) how much the landscape is fractured vertically.
# Values above 0 will lead to large cliffs/overhangs, floating islands, and/or a cavern world depending on other settings.
# Values less than 0 will make terrain volatility more 'spiky' but lessen the likelihood of overhangs and floating terrain.
FractureVertical: 0.0

# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# |                              Blocks                             | #
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #

# Set this to true to place the biome surface block on top of all exposed stone.
RemoveSurfaceStone: false

# |                             Bedrock                             | #

# Block used as bedrock.
BedrockBlock: minecraft:bedrock

# Disable bottom of map bedrock generation. Doesn't affect bedrock on the ceiling of the map.
DisableBedrock: false

# Enable ceiling of map bedrock generation.
CeilingBedrock: false

# Make a single flat layer of bedrock.
FlatBedrock: false

# |                   Water / Lava / Frozen States                  | #

# Set water level. Every empty block under this level will be fill water or another block from WaterBlock.
WaterLevelMax: 63

WaterLevelMin: 0

# Block used as water in WaterLevel.
WaterBlock: minecraft:water

# Block used as ice.
IceBlock: minecraft:ice

# Block used as cooled or frozen lava.
# Set this to OBSIDIAN for "frozen" lava lakes in cold biomes
CooledLavaBlock: minecraft:lava

# When set to false, 1 layer of snow falls on the highest block only.
# When set to true, the number of layers (1-8) is dependent on biome temperature.
# Higher altitudes have lower temperatures, so snow becomes deeper higher up.
# Also causes snow to fall through leaves, leaves can carry 3 layers while the rest falls through.
BetterSnowFall: false

# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# |                            Resources                            | #
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #

# Disables Ore(), UnderWaterOre() and Vein() biome resources that use any type of ore block.
DisableOreGen: false

# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# |                            Structures                           | #
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #

# These are global on/off toggles and spacing/separation settings for the entire world for each
# vanilla structure type. Spacing/separation work the same way as they do for datapacks.
# When set to true, structures configured in biome configs are able to spawn.
# Check the biome configs for customisation options per structure type per biome (size etc).
VillagesEnabled: true

VillageSpacing: 32

VillageSeparation: 8

MineshaftsEnabled: true

MineshaftSpacing: 1

MineshaftSeparation: 0

StrongholdsEnabled: true

StrongholdSpacing: 1

StrongholdSeparation: 0

StrongholdDistance: 32

StrongholdSpread: 3

StrongholdCount: 128

RareBuildingsEnabled: true

DesertPyramidSpacing: 32

DesertPyramidSeparation: 8

IglooSpacing: 32

IglooSeparation: 8

JungleTempleSpacing: 32

JungleTempleSeparation: 8

SwampHutSpacing: 32

SwampHutSeparation: 8

WoodlandsMansionsEnabled: true

WoodlandMansionSpacing: 80

WoodlandMansionSeparation: 20

OceanMonumentsEnabled: true

OceanMonumentSpacing: 32

OceanMonumentSeparation: 5

NetherFortressesEnabled: false

NetherFortressSpacing: 27

NetherFortressSeparation: 4

BuriedTreasureEnabled: true

BuriedTreasureSpacing: 1

BuriedTreasureSeparation: 0

OceanRuinsEnabled: true

OceanRuinSpacing: 20

OceanRuinSeparation: 8

PillagerOutpostsEnabled: true

PillagerOutpostSpacing: 32

PillagerOutpostSeparation: 8

BastionRemnantsEnabled: true

BastionRemnantSpacing: 27

BastionRemnantSeparation: 4

NetherFossilsEnabled: true

NetherFossilSpacing: 2

NetherFossilSeparation: 1

EndCitiesEnabled: true

EndCitySpacing: 20

EndCitySeparation: 11

RuinedPortalsEnabled: true

RuinedPortalSpacing: 40

RuinedPortalSeparation: 15

ShipwrecksEnabled: true

ShipwreckSpacing: 24

ShipwreckSeparation: 4

# |         OTG Custom structures and objects (BO2/BO3/BO4)         | #

# Sets the type of structures the world should spawn, BO3 or BO4.
# Allowed values: BO3/BO4.
# BO4's allow for collision detection, fine control over structure distribution, advanced branching mechanics for
# procedurally generated structures, smoothing areas, extremely large structures, settings for blending structures
# with surrounding terrain, etc. BO3's are simpler, seed based CustomStructures, more like vanilla mc structures.
# Worlds currently can only use one type of structure.
CustomStructureType: BO3

# This BO3 will be spawned at the world's spawn point as a CustomObject (Max size 32x32).

# |                      BO3 Custom structures                      | #

# For 1.12.2 v9.0_r11 and earlier, BO3 customstructures used 2 rarity rolls,
# one for the rarity in the CustomStructure() tag, one for the rarity in the BO3 itself.
# For 1.16, we use only the rarity roll from the CustomStructure() tag. Set this to true
# to use the old system.
UseOldBO3StructureRarity: true

# Maximum radius of custom structures in chunks. Custom structures are spawned by
# the CustomStructure resource in the biome configuration files. Not used for BO4's.
MaximumCustomStructureRadius: 1

# Set this to false to disable the bounds check during chunk decoration.
# While this allows you to spawn objects larger than 32x32, it also makes terrain generation dependent on the direction you explored the world in.
DecorationBoundsCheck: true

# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# |                    Carvers: Caves and Ravines                   | #
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #

# Block that replaces all air blocks from Y0 up to CarverLavaBlockHeight.
# For example, vanilla replaces air in caves with lava up to Y10.
# Defaults to: LAVA
CarverLavaBlock: minecraft:lava

# All air blocks are replaced to CarverLavaBlock from Y0 up to CarverLavaBlockHeight.
# For example, vanilla replaces air in caves with lava up to Y10.
# Defaults to: 10
CarverLavaBlockHeight: 10

# |                              Caves                              | #

# Enables/disables OTG caves. OTG should automatically disable caves/carvers for biomes when modded carvers are detected.
CavesEnabled: true

# This controls the odds that a given chunk will host a single cave and/or the start of a cave system.
CaveRarity: 7

# The number of times the cave generation algorithm will attempt to create single caves and cave
# systems in the given chunk. This value is larger because the likelihood for the cave generation
# algorithm to bailout is fairly high and it is used in a randomizer that trends towards lower
# random numbers. With an input of 40 (default) the randomizer will result in an average random
# result of 5 to 6. This can be turned off by setting evenCaveDistribution (below) to true.
CaveFrequency: 40

# Sets the minimum and maximum altitudes at which caves will be generated. These values are
# used in a randomizer that trends towards lower numbers so that caves become more frequent
# the closer you get to the bottom of the map. Setting even cave distribution (above) to true
# will turn off this randomizer and use a flat random number generator that will create an even
# density of caves at all altitudes.
CaveMinAltitude: 8

CaveMaxAltitude: 127

# The odds that the cave generation algorithm will generate a single cavern without an accompanying
# cave system. Note that whenever the algorithm generates an individual cave it will also attempt to
# generate a pocket of cave systems in the vicinity (no guarantee of connection or that the cave system
# will actually be created).
IndividualCaveRarity: 25

# The number of times the algorithm will attempt to start a cave system in a given chunk per cycle of
# the cave generation algorithm (see cave frequency setting above). Note that setting this value too
# high with an accompanying high cave frequency value can cause extremely long world generation time.
CaveSystemFrequency: 1

# This can be set to create an additional chance that a cave system pocket (a higher than normal
# density of cave systems) being started in a given chunk. Normally, a cave pocket will only be
# attempted if an individual cave is generated, but this will allow more cave pockets to be generated
# in addition to the individual cave trigger.
CaveSystemPocketChance: 0

# The minimum and maximum size that a cave system pocket can be. This modifies/overrides the
# cave system frequency setting (above) when triggered.
CaveSystemPocketMinSize: 0

CaveSystemPocketMaxSize: 3

# Setting this to true will turn off the randomizer for cave frequency (above). Do note that
# if you turn this on you will probably want to adjust the cave frequency down to avoid long
# load times at world creation.
EvenCaveDistribution: false

# |                             Ravines                             | #

# Enables/disables OTG ravines. OTG should automatically disable ravines/carvers for biomes when modded carvers are detected.
RavinesEnabled: true

RavineRarity: 2

RavineMinAltitude: 20

RavineMaxAltitude: 67

RavineMinLength: 84

RavineMaxLength: 111

RavineDepth: 3.0

# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# |                       Spawn point settings                      | #
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #

# Set this to true to enable SpawnPointX/SpawnPointY/SpawnPointZ/SpawnPointAngle.
FixedSpawnPoint: false

# When FixedSpawnPoint: true, this sets the world's spawn point.
SpawnPointX: 0

# When FixedSpawnPoint: true, this sets the world's spawn point.
SpawnPointY: 0

# When FixedSpawnPoint: true, this sets the world's spawn point.
SpawnPointZ: 0

# When FixedSpawnPoint: true, this sets the angle the player is looking when spawned at the spawn point.
SpawnPointAngle: 0.0

# |                     Portal settings (Forge)                     | #

# A list of one or more portal blocks used to build a portal to this dimension, or back to the overworld.
# Only applies for dimensions, not overworld/nether/end.
PortalBlocks: minecraft:quartz_block

# The portal color used for this world's portals, only applies for dimensions, not overworld/nether/end.
# Options: beige, black, blue, crystalblue, darkblue, darkgreen, darkred, emerald, flame, gold,
# green, grey, lightblue, lightgreen, orange, pink, red, white, yellow, default.
PortalColor: Default

# The mob that spawns from this portal, minecraft:zombified_piglin by default.
# Only applies for dimensions, not overworld/nether/end.
PortalMob: minecraft:zombified_piglin

# The ignition source for this portal, minecraft:flint_and_steel by default.
# Only applies for dimensions, not overworld/nether/end.
PortalIgnitionSource: minecraft:flint_and_steel

# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# |                    Dimension settings (Forge)                   | #
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #

# Note: At world creation, these settings are written to the world save's datapack folder (\saves\WorldName\datapacks\otg\)
# as dimension_type json file. The json file is used by MC on world load to fetch the settings. If you want to change dimension
# settings for already created worlds make sure to edit the dimension_type json file, since changes to the WorldConfig dimension
# settings won't be picked up on world load, only on world creation.
# The time this dimension is fixed at, from 0 to 24000.
# -1 by default, meaning disabled, so time passes normally.
# Vanilla Nether uses 18000, End uses 6000.
FixedTime: -1

# Whether this dimension uses a skylight, defaults to true.
# Vanilla nether and end use false, nether combines this with AmbientLight:0.1.
HasSkylight: true

# Whether this dimension has a ceiling, affects mob spawning, weather (thunder), maps.
# Defaults to false, vanilla nether uses true.
HasCeiling: false

# Whether water evaporates in this dimension. Also appears to affect lava/lava flow.
# Defaults to false. Vanilla nether uses true.
UltraWarm: false

# When set to false, mobs do not spawn from portals and players cannot use beds in this dimension.
# Defaults to true.
Natural: true

# The amount of blocks traveled compared to other dimensions.
# 1 by default, same as vanilla overworld, nether uses 8.
CoordinateScale: 1.0

# Probably starts a dragon fight, we think. Try it, what could possibly go wrong?
CreateDragonFight: false

# Whether this dimension can spawn piglins, false by default.
PiglinSafe: false

# Whether beds can be used to sleep and skip time in this dimension, true by default.
BedWorks: true

# Whether RespawnAnchorBlocks can be used, false by default.
RespawnAnchorWorks: true

# Whether the dimension has raids, true by default.
HasRaids: true

# World height, 256 by default. Affects portals and chorus fruits.
LogicalHeight: 256

# Infiniburn block tag registry key, minecraft:infiniburn_overworld by default.
# Can be either overworld/nether/end (or potentially modded).
InfiniBurn: minecraft:infiniburn_overworld

# Effects registry key, minecraft:overworld by default.
# Can be either overworld/nether/end (or potentially modded).
EffectsLocation: minecraft:overworld

# The base ambient light level for the world, 0.0 for overworld/end, 0.1 for nether.
AmbientLight: 0.0

# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #
# |                        Game rules (Forge)                       | #
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #

# See:
# Since game rules are shared across all dimensions, these settings only apply if this preset is used as the overworld.
# These settings can be overridden via a DimensionConfig with a GameRules entry.
# Set this to true to enable the settings below.
OverrideGameRules: false

DoFireTick: true

MobGriefing: true

KeepInventory: false

DoMobSpawning: true

DoMobLoot: true

DoTileDrops: true

DoEntityDrops: true

CommandBlockOutput: true

NaturalRegeneration: true

DoDaylightCycle: true

LogAdminCommands: true

ShowDeathMessages: true

RandomTickSpeed: 3

SendCommandFeedback: true

SpectatorsGenerateChunks: true

SpawnRadius: 10

DisableElytraMovementCheck: false

MaxEntityCramming: 24

DoWeatherCycle: true

DoLimitedCrafting: false

MaxCommandChainLength: 65536

AnnounceAdvancements: true

DisableRaids: false

DoInsomnia: true

DrowningDamage: true

FallDamage: true

FireDamage: true

DoPatrolSpawning: true

DoTraderSpawning: true

ForgiveDeadPlayers: true

UniversalAnger: false