Open Terrain Generator Wiki

Note: This information is for OTG 1.12.2. For 1.16 and above, see GUI and Commands (1.16).

Using the OTG World Creation GUI[]

This section is written for OTG v8 and above, and is a summary. For more info, or for earlier versions of OTG, see: World Creation GUI

Worlds and dimensions can be created, edited and deleted using the world creation GUI. Press "O" to open the GUI in-game. Creating/editing/deleting dimensions is also possible during the game, no server restarts are required.

When first making a world, you can either press "Create New World" or "Create OTG World". If you create a vanilla world, you can use the GUI in-game to create OTG dimensions you can teleport to. This is useful if you have other mods that need a vanilla overworld, and want to use these worlds alongside OTG.

If making an OTG world, you need to select an installed preset, or make your own preset by pressing "New". Making your own preset can be a lot of work, but is very rewarding. There will eventually be an in-depth tutorial added to the wiki, but for now go to the Discord server for help.

If you've selected a preset, you will then be presented with the Dimension Creation screen. This lets you change world settings, like game rules, seed, player game mode, etc. On the left you can add more dimensions to the world, which you can access through portals.

Once in the game, in order to use the menu you need to be OPed on a server, or have cheats enabled in single player. If you created the world and didn't enable cheats, you can temporarily enable them by using the "Open to LAN" feature. You can change most of the settings from within the game.

Using the map pre-generator []

OTG contains a built in map pre-generator which allows you to generate chunks in a radius around spawn, eliminating world generation related lag. It's recommended that you pre-generate while not actively playing as running the pregenerator is intensive especially at high speeds (check OTG.ini for speed settings).

For OTG v7 and above, the pregenerator is started by setting a radius in the 'O' menu. To stop it, set the radius to 0 chunks.

For OTG v6 and below, see the /otg pregen command below.

Console Commands[]

Command Description
/otg Show help info
/otg biome Show biome information for the biome at the player's coordinates.

Usage: /otg biome [-f -s -d -m]

  • -f shows temperature
  • -s shows id's
  • -d shows biome dictionary tags
  • -m shows registered mobs.
/otg spawn Unavailable for Forge in OTG v8 and belowUsage: /otg spawn <bo3> [preset-name]

Spawns a custom object at the block you are looking at. E.G. /otg spawn PumpkinHead1 Biome Bundle

/otg structure View author and description information for any structure at the player's coordinates
/otg tp Usage:
  • /otg tp <biome id or name>
  • /otg tp <dimension name>

Teleports the player to the specified dimension or biome.

/otg blocks Show a list of block names that can be spawned inside BO3's with the Block() tag and used in biome- and world-configs.
/otg biomes View a list of registered biomes/
/otg entities Show a list of entities that can be spawned inside BO3's using the Entity() tag
/otg export Requires OTG v9 or aboveUsage: /otg export <name> [center block] [-a -t -o -b -bo4]
  • -a makes the export include air blocks
  • -t makes the export include tile entities
  • -o makes the export override previous file
  • -b makes the export use branches
  • -bo4 exports as a BO4 file instead of a BO3 file.

Requires WorldEdit to be installed!

Exports a WorldEdit section to a BO3 (or BO4) file with a given name.

/otg exportbo4data Exports all BO4 files and BO3 files that have isOTGPlus:true as BO4Data files, if none exist already. BO3Data files can significantly reduce file size and loading times, and should be used by OTG content creators when packaging presets for players.
/otg flushcache Unloads all loaded object files. Use this to refresh objects after editing them. Also flushes chunk generator cache to free up memory.
/otg getmoddata Usage: /otg getmoddata <mod name> <radius>

Sends any ModData() tags in BO3's within the specified radius in chunks to the specified mod. Some OTG mob spawning commands can be used this way. Be sure to set up ModData() tags in your BO3 to make this work.

/otg lookup Usage: /otg lookup <biome name or id>Look up a registered biome by name or ID
/otg map Unavailable for Forge in OTG v8 and below

Usage: /otg map [world name] [-s -r -o -l]

Generate a square biome and temperature map in the server's root of the specified world. It has the following optional arguments:

  • -s <size> determines the size of the map. This number is multiplied by 16 internally, default is 200. Value is a positive integer. As an example, for a 10 000 pixel by 10 000 pixel map, <size> is 625.
  • -r <angle> determines the angle of rotation of the image; this value needs to be 0, 90, 180, or 270.
  • -o <offset x> <offset y> determines the image offset. Values are integers.
  • -l adds the coordinate label to the file name.

Output ratio is 1 pixel to 4x4 blocks, like a FromImage input map. If you use /otg map in a FromImage world, it will write part of the same map you used as input, where possible.

/otg mods View a list of loaded mods, with their mod ID
/otg reload Unavailable for Forge in OTG v8 and belowReload the configuration settings
Deprecated in OTG 1.12.2 v7
/otg dim NOTE: Deprecated in OTG v7Usage: /otg dim [-c/-d <preset name>]

Alias: /otg dimension

Without flags, shows the name and id of the dimension the player is currently in.

The -c flag creates a new dimension with the specified name using a specified installed preset.

The -d flag deletes the dimension with the specified preset. Must be unloaded, which happens automatically when no players are inside.

/otg pregen Usage: /otg pregen <radius> [dimension id]Alias: /otg pregenerator

Sets the pre-generation radius for the player's current world to <radius> chunks in a given dimension. If no dimension given, assumes current. To disable the pregenerator, run the command again with a radius of 0 chunks.


  • Generate a set of default world configs and check out OpenTerrainGenerator.ini and each world's WorldConfig.ini, comments and explanations of each setting are contained within the files.
  • When using the pre-generator in single player open the chat window so you can background MC without pausing the game.