Open Terrain Generator Wiki

This page is for the 1.16.5 version of OTG, for 1.12.2 instructions click here.


OTG runs on the Java edition of Minecraft, either on your single player/local game or a dedicated server. OTG can be installed as a Paper plugin or as a Forge mod using the same OTG .jar file.

OTG can’t be used on Realms, Windows 10 Edition, Bedrock Edition, or Pocket Edition versions. These versions of Minecraft have limited or no mod support. Note that “Windows 10 Edition” refers to a specific Edition of Minecraft, not the Java Edition running on a Windows 10 computer.

Before you install OTG, you will first have to install either Forge or Paper. There is advice on choosing between these below.

Choosing A Mod Loader[]

If you want to use OTG in single player, then your only option is Forge.

If you are running a Minecraft server, you have more choices and can use either Paper or Forge. These two "Mod Loaders" are separate and mostly incompatible, and your choice will depend on the type of server you want to run.

Use Forge if:

  • You want to run a server with other Forge mods (or a modpack)
  • All players joining the server will have the same mods installed as the server
  • You do not require any Paper/Spigot plugins

Use Paper if:

  • You want to run a server with other Paper/Spigot plugins
  • You want players to be able to join without installing anything
  • You do not require any Forge mods

OTG Does Not Support Hybrid Servers. You are free to try on your own, but know that it will not work as a plugin, and there might be unfixable errors when running as a mod on hybrid servers.

Installation instructions for each platform are included below, please be aware that without installing a world preset, OTG will use its default preset, which is made to look like a vanilla overworld.

Forge Installation[]

Forge Single Player[]

  1. Go here to download the recommended Forge release for 1.16.5 and run the installer.
  2. Run Minecraft once to create the /mods folder (usually found at C:\Users\[USERNAME]\AppData\Roaming\.minecraft\mods\).
  3. Download the latest version of OTG for 1.16.5 from Curseforge and put it in the .minecraft/mods folder.
  4. Install a world preset
  5. Start the game, click Single Player -> Create New World -> More World Options. Click World Type a few times until you see World Type: OTG then click Customize.
  6. You will then be presented with the world creation screen where you can set up your OTG worlds / dimensions. See here for a short explanation of the different options.
  7. Click Done -> Create New World
  • Modpacks can lock the world creation GUI with a predefined selection of OTG presets/dimensions, so users can create worlds with 1 click. See Dimension & Modpack Configuration.

Forge Multiplayer[]

  1. Go here to download the recommended Forge release for 1.16.5 and run the installer.
  2. Download the latest version of OTG for 1.16.5 from Curseforge and put it in the server's mods folder. Run the server once first if it doesn't exist
  3. Run the server once to create the /config/OpenTerrainGenerator folder. Then close the server and delete the world save
  4. Install a world preset
  5. Configure
    • If you only want to use OTG for your overworld:
      • set level-type: otg
      • set generator-settings: <presetname>
        • Where <presetname> should match the name of a folder in <serverfolder>/config/OpenTerrainGenerator/Presets/.
        • If you do not see a folder named Presets here, redo step #2 or create it
    • Otherwise, to use OTG as one or more nether, end and/or dimension:
      • set level-type: otg
      • set generator-settings: <dimensionconfigname>
        • Where <dimensionconfigname> should match the file name of one of your dimension config files in the folder <serverfolder>/config/OpenTerrainGenerator/DimensionConfigs/
        • For modpacks, the dimension config would be called Modpack.yaml, so you put "Modpack"
        • See Dimension & Modpack Configuration for more information on these files
  6. Start the server.

Forge Mod Compatibility[]

  • OTG uses MC biome categories and Forge Biome Dictionary tags for its biomes. Modded mobs, resources and structures should spawn in OTG worlds, provided they are configured correctly.
  • Mods that add carvers (caves, ravines) like Yung's Better Caves also work, OTG's carvers should be automatically disabled when using them.
  • Terrain/Biome generation mods like TerraForged, Biomes o' Plenty, Oh the Biomes You'll Go etc can be used with OTG. However, modded biomes will only spawn in OTG worlds if the OTG preset includes mod compatibility configs for the biomes. This can be done via template biomes using biome category and biome dictionary tags (see WorldConfig BiomeGroups/TemplateBiomes and BiomeConfig TemplateForBiome). Other mods are not able to spawn OTG biomes properly, this is something we'll look at for the future. Note that it is also possible to make a non-OTG (modded or vanilla) overworld with OTG Nether/End and dimensions.
  • When using Quark, set "Improved Sleeping" = false in quark-common.toml, or you won't be able to sleep in OTG dimensions.
  • When using Biomes o' Plenty, set use_world_type = false in client.toml or OTG's custom world creation screen for modpack configs won't work properly.
  • When using 1.12.2 presets with OTG 1.16.5, some mods don't work due to missing biome categories or biome dictionary tags in OTG biomes, configured via the BiomeConfig (.bc) files. Ice and Fire requires the "overworld" tag for example, which is not configured for 1.12.2 OTG presets. Presets are being updated and will be released on CurseForge a.s.a.p, users can also manually add categories/tags to BiomeConfig (.bc) files (BiomeCategory:, BiomeDictTags:).

Forge Mod Recommendations[]

  • ChunkPregenerator integrates seamlessly with OTG world creation UI and provides pre-generation/preview features for all dimensions.

Paper Installation[]

A tutorial for setting up a Paper server is here.

  1. Set up the server in the normal way.
  2. Download and put the Open Terrain Generator .jar in the server's plugins folder.
  3. Install a world preset
  4. Specify OTG as generator:
    • With MultiVerse: specify OTG as generator like so: "-g OpenTerrainGenerator:Wildlands"
    • Without, add the following to your Bukkit.yml file:
              generator: OpenTerrainGenerator:Wildlands

As a Paper plugin, OTG is not required client-side, however features like foliage/grass/sky/fog colors don't work fully (plain colors instead of gradient colors).

Paper console command permissions

For a description of Paper commands see Console Commands.

Other Tips[]

  • Servers and clients running OTG will require more memory than vanilla Minecraft. It is recommended to increase Minecraft's allocated memory to 2gb+
  • 1.12.2 presets can be used with OTG 1.16.5, however presets will need to be updated to make use of all the new features and to work properly with other mods.
  • Check the new Default preset for updated config settings and comments, these will tell you about all the 1.16.5 features.
  • Set SettingsMode: WriteAll in WorldConfig.ini to make OTG write all the latest settings and comments. This may break some legacy presets, so be sure to back up your preset files if you are a preset creator.